We even tried to kill it, and failed. I was out of town all spring and early summer, and I forgot to tell my roommate to set the watering frequency to every 10 days, so it went until late June on a couple of 15-minute waterings and a trace of rain. I didn't take a picture of it before the water was increased, unfortunately. It greened up a bit, but the blades were short and a distressed-looking grey-green. It was in survival mode, waiting for the monsoons.
Buffalo Grass: September 5, 2012 This is not meant to be a clipped formal lawn, it's a grassy meadow. |
Here it is after being resuscitated. The slightly darker patches are the !@#$@$ Bermuda grass that persists despite my efforts to eradicate it. The buffalo grass seems to be acting as a living mulch for the Bermuda. Neither one can outgrow the other and take over.
It's been mowed twice, most recently in late July.