Monday, June 29, 2009

Watching Grass Grow and Be Eaten : Week 14

Buffalo grass passes the doggy taste test. The photo was taken a couple of months ago, and she still likes to eat the grass.

Like any grass, however, it does get brown spots if the dog urinates on it.


  1. Cute dog. The lawn is coming along. How hot has it been there?

  2. How high did you mow the lawn?

  3. Shirley - It's early July in Phoenix, Arizona.

    The hinges of Hades are melting and the okra is wilting. It's been >105°F for a couple of weeks, with excursions above 110°F.

    Hung .. I really don't know. It was the next to lowest notch on the mower's settings (Black and Decker electric, Model MM675). That is more than 1 inch, probably 1.5 inches. It's funny now, because a recent hatch of quail are feeding in the lawn and all I can see are their heads.
