Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Flowers that Bloom in the Spring

Two of the gaudy xeriscaping plants, my rose bush and the neighbor's cactus. I am tempted to sneak over to his yard and steal a few pads to start my own cactus.

Beavertail Cactus (Opuntia basilaris)

Lady Banks Rose (Rosa banksiae)


  1. I have three weeks to make a garden for wildlife, fruit and veg. I am a lazy gardener and want to do least work possible. What should I do? What should I plant? I want to keep it low maintenance how do I do this?

  2. Alex - If you only have three weeks, don't do anything.

    Making a low-maintenance garden takes careful planning, planting, and nurturing for the first couple of years ... the reward comes after than when everything is well-established and needs very little attention.
